Troy Aikman chimed on his own Twitter page regarding Doug Gottlieb‘s comments regarding Andrew Luck‘s retirement announcement.

“Retiring cause rehabbing is “too hard” is the most millennial thing ever,” Gottlieb wrote about the 29-year-old Indianapolis Colts quarterback, who retired on Sunday after a seven-year career in the NFL.

Former Dallas Cowboys star Aikman was displeased with the negative comments Gottlieb made after the news, so he wasted no time in criticizing his fellow FOX commentator. Aikman replied via a scathing tweet questioning Gottlieb’s right to judge Luck’s decisions with his life.

“That’s total bulls— Doug,” Aikman wrote. “What qualifies you to decide how someone should live their life? So you’re now the authority on what motivates Andrew Luck? And if his decisions don’t fit into what you think is best for him then you rip him?”

As a former star NFL quarterback, Aikman could have chimed in on the rigor multiple hits from professional defensive linemen have on a QB’s body. Here’s a list of Luck’s injuries, according to Zak Keefer:


Gottlieb stood by his comments by stating that he was actually an Andrew Luck fan, but that he also has the right to make “tongue-in-cheek” and “sarcastic” comments that “don’t translate to Twitter,” an apparent attempt to backtrack on his comment mentioning it was an attempt to at humor. However, Gottlieb did not appear to back down on his original comment on Luck’s decision being a “millennial” problem. Others have defended Gottlieb by stating such things as, “Brett Farve had this many injuries after one game and still won the Super Bowl.”


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RJ De La Espriella

Article by RJ De La Espriella

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