Kansas City Chiefs rookie QB Patrick Mahomes was offered free ketchup for life this week if he throws a record 57 touchdowns.

Mahomes offered free ketchup for life one one condition

In his first year in the league, Kansas City Chiefs (9-1) starting quarterback Mahomes has set the franchise record for touchdown passes in just nine games. But it wasn’t his love for winning that grabbed the nation’s attention this week, but his affinity for ketchup.

After an ESPN feature story noted that the rookie QB likes to put ketchup on almost everything he eats, including steak, Mahomes went on to confess his love for the condiment at a news conference on Thursday.

Mahomes told reporters Thursday that he’d be willing to share the wealth if he were to receive ketchup for life.

“I’m not opposed to it,” Mahomes said when asked if he’d want ketchup for life. “If it happens and I get ketchup for life, I’ll be sure to share it with some of the offensive linemen.”

Heinz Ketchup seized the opportunity at some free publicity.

Heinz said it was willing to set up Mahomes with a lifetime supply, but there was one catch: He’s got to set the NFL single-season record for touchdown passes this season.

Peyton Manning set the record at 55 back in 2013. Heinz raising the bar to 57, is synonymous with the company’s marketing slogan.

Heinz 57 is a shortened form of a historical advertising slogan “57 Varieties of Pickles” by the H. J. Heinz Company. Heinz said he chose the numbers five and seven because they were he and his wife’s lucky numbers respectively.


Over this season’s ten games, Mahomes has scored a total of 31 touchdowns, requiring him to put up 26 touchdowns in the remaining six games to reach 57. That would average to about four touchdowns per game to beat Manning’s record and receive ketchup for life.

After the conference, Whataburger sent Mahomes a tweet and this is how he responded.

Mahomes and the Chiefs are set to fly to the city of angels Monday night to take on the Los Angeles Rams (9-1) in what has the potential to be the biggest game of the year. The game will air on ESPN at 8:15 p.m. EST.

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Dewayne Goforth

Article by Dewayne Goforth

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