It’s not secret that Albert Pujols played his best baseball as a St. Louis Cardinal, even winning two World Series championships during his 2006 and 2011 campaigns.

Once traveling further west to Anaheim and signing with the Los Angeles Angels, Pujols’s opportunities to smash home runs at Busch Stadium understandably decreased, as Pujols not only neglected to still play as a Cardinal, but also chose to play outside a league warranting multiple trips back to the stadium as an opposing player.

For the first time since 2011, Pujols stepped into the box for the St.Louis faithful to look down on this weekend to play in an Angels vs. Cardinals interleague series. The affair brought smiles to both Pujols and those contributing to the ocean of fans stretching around the diamond. The crowd immediately showered Pujols with cheers, promptly thanking Pujols after his countless successful years dedicated to St. Louis baseball, while also illustrating their ongoing support despite his opposition to his prior team.

Although even Pujols’ least significant actions such as just fielding a slow roller out to him at first ignited an explosion within the crowd during each occasion, the crowd essentially blew a gasket during Saturday’s game after he lifted a solo shot during the seventh inning into the bullpen behind left field.  The last time a Pujols hit ball reached Busch Stadiums seats it came during the the 2011 season against the New York Mets. Pujols then eventually helped the team win their 11th title a month later.


Mirroring the crowd around him as he rounded the basses, Pujols felt his emotions stirring within him as well, as he commented after the game, “Trying to walk around the bases and get to the plate, and trying to get in the dugout and hold everything in. Man, that was hard.” Pujols even hailed the incident an undoubtedly memorable occasion, which gives high praise as his long illustrious career catalogues almost countless legendary moments. “It’s gonna be up there for me — for my career, for my family, my wife, Deidre, and my five kids and my friends and family that are here in town. It’s just a moment that I will treasure forever,” said Pujols. He quickly returned from the dugout after rounding the bases for a curtain call as well.

Once the dust settled, the scored flashed a 4–2 score, favoring St. Louis. Although walking away with a loss, Pujols delivered for St. Louis for likely the last time, as he gifted their fanbase with yet another moment impossible to forget.


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Collin Helwig

Article by Collin Helwig

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