A Super Bowl ring seems like an annual gift for Patriots players these days, as the team consistently enjoys repeated winning seasons. Whether it comes as a sixth ring beginning to fill up Tom Brady’s second hand, or an equally coveted solitary ring for a young player like Sony Michel, the jewelry gifted to the New England Patriots members glitters brightly and makes no apologies about it.

Robert Kraft distributed the rings during a diner party at his house where he once again brought together the championship squad, which last February added a sixth Lombardi to the New England collection, all of which occurred during a dynasty established back during their 2002 Super Bowl victory over the St. Louis Rams. Since then, New England has portrayed almost complete dominance, winning during the 2001, 2003, 2004, 2014, 2016, and most recently 2019 season.

When designing their rings, the Patriots made sure to hint at their consistent success, as they engraved each year the Patriots won a title into the rings. The team’s motto “still here” also found its way onto the ring, as the New England rallying phrase also expresses the team’s seemingly never–ending success. Aside from that, the rings as expected include the Patriot symbol shining atop the arch, while also including Brady’s name alongside the game’s final score. The rings also added a callback to Kraft’s statement “We’re all Patriots,” a remark the owner famously voiced after the team’s 2014 Super Bowl Victory.

A total 422 diamonds weighing 9.85 carrots eventually came together to form the NFL’s largest Super Bowl rings ever created. Although the Patriot’s efforts go unmatched as they once again ascend above all NFL teams, the work performed by those at Jostens to assemble the rings deserves championship level appreciation as well, as the rings truly impress. The Patriots will look to continue their dynasty and hopefully warrant another extravagant ring order, as the begin the 2019-20 season against the Pittsburgh Steelers September 9, 2019.

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Collin Helwig

Article by Collin Helwig

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