When selected ahead roughly 3,000 other well–oiled football players as the NFL’s first overall pick, exceedingly high expectations flood quickly with little warning. Not just treading water, but also swimming forward is this years’s number one pick, Kyler Murray, who reportedly continues to impress during the Arizona Cardinals’s offseason programs.

Although Murray’s time with the Arizona only encapsulates a few weeks consisting of some basic conditioning and drills, his incredible abilities and character already appear evident to his teammates. Star running back David Johnson spoke first, mentioning Murray’s sneaky speed as he stated, “First off, he’s faster and quicker than I thought when we got on the field.” Johnson next praised Murray’s accuracy when throwing the ball as he commented, “I think a lot of people underestimate how great he can throw. He throws a dart. Accurate dart. Even in quarterback drills, seeing him throw it at the net and seeing him hit it five in a row. I think a lot of people underestimate his throwing ability.”

Adding to the applause, offensive linemen Justin Pugh spoke on how Murray continues to check all the boxes, meeting all expectations that his first overall draft selection warrants. Pugh stated, “Everything that I heard, he’s lives up to, and I’ve heard a lot of good things, so it’s been great so far.” Fellow offensive linemen J.R. Sweezy illustrated Murray’s impressiveness even further, as he compared the rookie to Super Bowl champion Russell Wilson, who Sweezy blocked for during his time as a Seattle Seahawk.


Aside from his physical capabilities, defensive star Chandler Jones praised the attitude Murray brings to practice each day as he stated, “Kyler’s confident, and he’s not a cocky player. For him to be the first overall pick, he’s a very confident player. He’s composed. I can see him construct, I see him getting guys together in the huddle, and as a young guy, that’s something that I admire about him.”

Murray took the the world by storm after his impressive campaign as quarterback for the Oklahoma Sooners during last year’s college football season. Murray even won the Heisman trophy, later becoming the 56th player to win college football’s most prestigious award and get drafted first overall.  Murray eclipsed 4,361 yards throwing the ball last season while simultaneously scoring 42 touchdowns. Despite initially intending to pursue a career as a professional baseball player, Murray decided to continue playing football and move up to the professional level.

Murray will get his first chance to put his skills to the test once the season begins this September, as the Cardinals open up against the Detroit Lions.

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Collin Helwig

Article by Collin Helwig

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