While many fans of the NFL and social justice advocates call for a team to sign Colin Kaepernick, the first athlete to kneel for the national anthem as a form of protest, many forget about safety Eric Reid, who was the first player to join Kaepernick in kneeling, who has also seen limited opportunities since.

On his Twitter account Sunday, Kaepernick slammed the NFL for what he says is an active blackballing of Reid. “While the NFL runs propaganda about how they care about Black Life, they are still actively blackballing Eric Reid (@E_Reid35) for fighting for the Black community. Eric set 2 franchise records last year, and is one of the best defensive players in the league,” he tweeted.

It seems like a good portion of active players agree with Kaepernick’s thoughts that the majority of the NFL’s social justice initiatives are empty measures just to appease the masses. Before their week one game against the New England Patriots, the Miami Dolphins stayed in the locker room during the national anthem and released a video where they called the NFL’s social justice statements empty.

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Article by Nico Ribadeneyra

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