North American professional sports leagues are in talks with health officials and teams about the growing concerns over the coronavirus outbreak that has claimed its first reported death in the U.S.

Officials from the NBA, NHL and MLB say they are all consulting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention over the progress of COVID-19.

Countries around the world, including Italy, have postponed sporting events, but such measures have not been taken in the United States yet.


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“The health and safety of our employees, teams, players and fans is paramount,” the NBA said. “We are coordinating with our teams and consulting with the CDC and infectious disease specialists on the coronavirus and continue to monitor the situation closely.”

The NHL is in contact with the CDC and Public Health Canada given the fact it has seven teams based in Canada. Deputy commissioner Bill Daly said the NHL has not considered any cancellations.

“We are in regular communication with our clubs on the issue and have passed along best practices being recommended by CDC and Public Health Canada medical experts,” Daly said. “Most of these steps are common sense precautions, but it definitely involves consciousness raising.”

The MLB is actively monitoring the outbreak and is providing guidance to clubs, staff members and players that are similar to recommendations by the CDC.

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