Olympic gymnast Simone Biles explains her routine and preparation for the Tokyo Olympics. The athlete says she feels excited and ready for the games.

“Right now we’re four months out. I’m feeling pretty good (and) pretty confident. All of our training has geared us for this moment, so I’m just super excited for the journey.”

Biles says that even though training during the COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging, she was still “engaged” and keeping herself active even through the lockdown.

“It has been tough, but during our time off, we still did Zoom workouts with our coaches, so we were still engaged and as soon as we got back in the gym, it was kind of full speed again to try to get ready and gear up for this year’s games. It’s been tough, but it (has) definitely been worth it, and I feel like every athlete can say the same, as we’re not going to give up and we’re going to keep striving for perfection and hopefully we get to show off our athleticism this year at the games.”

Biles claims she can’t miss out on her naps after her morning workouts and says her training program is “intense.” The gymnast has to wake up in the early morning to arrive at her 7 a.m. practice.

“It is pretty intense. I definitely don’t miss a nap during the day, or I’m very grumpy and I kind of can’t function. So, first practice starts at 7 a.m. and then we go to 10:30,” Biles said. “Then we do beam and bars twice a day and then, either in the morning we do vault, and if we do vault in the morning, then floor in the afternoon. 10:30 I head home, usually have a quick lunch, chicken, salmon, whatever that may be. I don’t have a crazy strict diet, I kind of eat whatever I want just in proportion, but definitely on the leaner and healthier side. Then, I take a shower (and) try to be down for my nap at 12, wake up at 1:30 and then I’m back at the gym at two to five, or whenever we finish (our) workout … On Monday and Wednesdays, I get therapy after with our trainer here … On Thursdays, we have a half-day, Saturdays we have a half-day, so at the end of the week it’s about 32 to 35 hours, but since we’re gearing up for competition season, we’re doing more routine work.”

Biles says she will be doing all-arounds in the upcoming classics and at championships, before trials.

“Yes, I will be doing all-around before Nationals. We have classics coming up in about seven or eight weeks, I believe. I’ll be doing all-around (in) that classics and then again at championships and then obviously at trials,” Biles said. “That’s kind of my competition schedule, it (has) kind of changed throughout the year because I was supposed to do Tokyo Cup, which was going to be in March and then it got postponed and got changed to an Olympic testament (which) got recently canceled because if I were to have done that, I would have skipped classics because the timing coming back with the time change would have been too close to classics. So, my competition schedule is classics, championships, and then trials.”

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